Australia’s Expert Jeff Slayter Breaks down the Meaning of Leadership

Great leaders in Australia all have one thing in common – a strong character. Jeff Slayter defines character as the sum of one’s personality, values, and abilities. To be an effective leader, one must work on building up his character and abilities. It means honing these skills and talents until people are magnetically drawn to follow, emulate, and become the leader you are. To do that, we must be learners first.

Jeff Slayter, an Australian expert on management and leadership understands that leaders CAN be made. Here he breaks down what it takes to be a leader with a few easy pointers:

First, change your overall perspective on leaders. Shrug off that impression of leaders as dictators or authoritarians. Today’s modern society calls for a different and more democratic breed of leaders, whether it is in the home, at work, or in the community. Leaders are now more versatile while maintaining their authority as well.

Another attribute of authority is the ability to show compassion where it is due. In a leadership role it is always important to be realistic and straight to the point, but when you deal with people’s emotions and lives, take note on how you would want to be treated if it were you in their place. Take for example a CEO in one of Australia’s top companies who, despite all his power and riches, wouldn’t consider his employees requests, no matter how valid the reason or the plea may be. At his worst year, when he needed his workers the most, they quit on him. You see how building positive relationships matter?

Next, Jeff Slayter knows that a true leader is allowed to make mistakes, but in turn uses them as learning experiences rather than drawbacks to his dignity. That is how good leaders deal with misfortunes as they come. They know how to laugh at themselves and move on. They can have fun, while remaining focused on the task at hand.

Getting in tune with your inner leader is easy once you realize the value of humility. Humility gives you a sense of appreciation towards everything around you. It keeps you away from being too self-confident. Overconfidence becomes a problem when you start oppressing those whom you feel are not as prosperous as yourself. Confidence should be used the right way – by setting an example to those who follow you. You can do this by being the one who initiates. Take the first step, be the role model.

To recap how Australia’s expert Jeff Slayter explains leadership, we now know that it is about refining your character. It’s about redefining your view of leaders in the first place; they are communicators rather than dictators. It’s about showing compassion and understanding towards others. It’s about making mistakes and having fun, without losing the essence of your role. Most importantly, it’s about attaining humility and a deep appreciation for what was, what is, and what can be if you apply yourself correctly. Leadership is not about perfection, it is about constantly building you up to become the best version of yourself.

Jeffrey Slayter – Early Life of As A Professional

At an early age, his dad taught Jeffrey the value of hard work and the importance of independent living. Jeffrey’s first job was working for a businessman. They had a great business relationship and Jeffrey Slayter eventually rose to the ranks quickly. They even struck a deal where Jeff will be allowed to research about property investment during his free time if he is able to increase his sales.

One of the most defining moments of his life happened during this time, when on the way to work, he got stuck in traffic during rush hour. Seeing cars lined up on the road ahead of him, he said to himself, “There has to be a better way to life than this” and just like that he quit his job, not because he does not like what he does for a living but because he knows he has bigger plans for himself and things has been set in motion.

At 19, he attended his first personal development seminar and was taking the first step towards a more fulfilling career. Seeing how the speaker was able to help a woman establish her value, find confidence, inspire a future in herself was the turning point in Jeffrey’s life. He knew he was born to inspire others and motivate them to succeed in life. He was inspired to help others and this fired up Jeffrey Slayter’s passion for entrepreneurism, learning and applying principles that will help him grow as an individual and spread positivity to others.

He spent many of his weekends reading several business books, human potential books and spirituality books and applied the principles he learned to himself to prepare him for the time when he would put up his very own company. This was the beginning of the road for the life that he wanted. He started to meditate and did so daily to clear his mind, find his center and enhance his focus.

Building The Dream House

To get the ball rolling, Jeffrey Slayter bought a nondescript pink house he found online. It was cheap and it needed a lot of work. Jeffrey Slayter took one look at the property and an idea struck, he can make a profit off it. He loved the idea of flipping houses so he borrowed money from friends, got enough money to secure the property and even called a good friend to help him fix the house. Eventually, Jeffrey Slayter found a buyer and sold the now-flipped home for much more than what he paid for.

The total profit he earned for this project was about $45,000. Just like his father, Jeffrey Slayter was able to turn $0 into $45,000. An idea struck, he could make millions selling properties. So he left his job and started building his career in real estate. Eventually, he began owning properties across the country and just as he turned 26, he own properties all over the world.